The Costa Rica Expert

Monday, February 25, 2008


If you have ever visited Costa Rica you will be quick to notice that Ticos (or Ticas) use a lot of expressions that may not seem familiar to even someone knowledgeable in Spanish.

Here are more (some humorous) examples from an email a tico friend recently sent me…..

  • Face - jacha, tarro
  • Head - jupa, torre
  • Eyes - guachos
  • Nose - ñata
  • Mouth - jeta, trompa
  • Stomach - panza, timba, chiberre
  • Ass - nalgas, fondillo, trasero, bumper
  • Underarm - sobacos, aletas
  • Legs - canillas
  • Fingers - troles, jocotes
  • Feet – patas
  • Walk - trolea, caitea, va a pata
  • Lazy - achantado, esta de bagaces, se la tira rico
  • Stingy - agarrado, codo, pinche
  • Boring - se agüeva, se ostina, es un bostezo, tiene tigra
  • To get married - se ahorca, se suicida, se embarca
  • To owe money to someone - amarra el perro
  • Distracted – está detrás del palo
  • To sleep - rulea, plancha la oreja, está jetón, echa espuma, babea
  • To kiss - apreta, marca
  • To vomit - se rancha, llama a Hugo, se arroja
  • To be ashamed - se la pela, se pega un bañazo
  • To assume - batea
  • To fight - arma bochinche, se agarra
  • To be sociable - bombeta
  • To work – bretea, chambea
  • To be a suckup - brochazo, es un sopla guabas
  • To flirt with a woman - echa el cuento, está ligando
  • To cry - moquea, es una bomba de mocos, mariquea
  • To have a boyfriend – esta jala, tiene cabra, tiene guila
  • To have shoes - tiene cachos, caites
  • To bitch at someone - lo cagan
  • To take a piss - mea, le cambia el agua al pajarito
  • A child - carajillo, güila, mocoso, chiquito
  • To be without shame - carebarro, un montado, un cascarudo
  • To be careless - un tortero, un carne molida, un chapa, mete la pata
  • To be angry - se enchicha, se chivea, está de luna, se arranca, se encachimba
  • To be handsome – cito paolo, es un rico (a), un chicha, corrongo (a)
  • To go to the jail - lo enchorpan, lo engaletan, lo entaban
  • To have a house - tiene chante, choza
  • To have a car - tiene nave, chuzo o al contrario pichirilo, estornaco
  • To die - cuelga las tenis, patea el balde, estira la pata, se palma
  • To be stupid - es baboso, como las vacas, menso, sorompo, jetas
  • To be doing well - pura vida, puros dieces, con toda la pata, tuanis
  • To like something - le cuadra, está chiva, está fresa
  • To brag about yourself - pesado, un culazo, es un dolor de guevos, rajón
  • To cause damage - se queda hecho mierda o leña
  • To be hungry - tiene filo, tiene moncha
  • To be a bother - jode, friega, es majadero, 'seas tan necio'
  • To be ugly - furris, güeisoTo have good luck - guavero, lechero, chepero
  • To have a hangover - gomaTo be confused - se hace bolas
  • To be drunk - se juma, hasta la cara me duele, está tapis
  • To be in love - pepiado
  • To eat - jarta, jama
  • To be a liar – jetón, lengua larga
  • To be broke - anda limpio, lavado
  • To ignore someone - se hace el ruso, se hace el maje
  • To fail - se la pela
  • To play soccer - mejenguea, juega bola, patea bola
  • To have bad luck - miado, salado
  • To take advantage - se monta
  • To be a bookworm - es nerdo, verde, es pipa, tiene masa gris
  • To feel bad - paltigre, agüevado
  • To go to party - va de pelón, va de pachanga, va de rumba
  • To small bad - pateón
  • To make an effort – la pellejea, la pulsea, se pone las pilas
  • To have diarrea - tiene pringa pie, anda flojo, se le suelta el ruedo
  • To be nosey - sapazo chepo, vina
  • To be corrupt - es un choricero, trinquetero
  • To run - se pega un morón
  • To go or leave - se jala
  • To be sure or certain - al chile, fuera de vara
These are just a few of the commonly used slang terms that you might hear on the streets in Costa Rica. Of course, when using these terms be careful since they can be offensive to some people.

Pura Vida!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Viva Colombia!

I recently had the privilege of visiting Medellín Colombia. I can tell you that this is one of the most beautiful cities I have ever experienced. Colombia has gotten a lot of bad press over the years and Medellín has borne the brunt of much of it. Admittedly, back in the days when Pablo Escobar and his band of sicarios were wreaking havoc on the city, Medellín was probably not the safest place for a gringo to visit. As a vestige of this period, today the law requires all motorcycles drivers to wear the license number on the back of a vest in order to never have the same terrible days where Pablo’s motorcycle-riding sicarios (hit men) would gun down intended targets. But those days are thankfully long gone. I was fortunate to have a wonderful guide during my visit, my beautiful Paisa girlfriend (who now lives in Costa Rica, but whose heart is still 100% in her pueblo natal, Medellín). Medellín is located in the department of Antioquia. It has an international airport (actually located about 1 hour outside the city). The population is around 2 million and the population of the entire department of Antioquia is 5 million (second largest in the country behind Bogotá).

Places worth visiting in Medellín would certainly include the National Museum, which features many pieces from Colombia’s most famous living artist, Botero. Medellín also has an incredible elevated train system that will take you almost anywhere you want to go (the pride of the paisas and very clean and safe). Also, they have a great Metro Cable as well that will take you over the city and offer you some great views. Of course, the night life is great too. The Mangos of South Beach is a carbon copy of Mangos in Medellín and will definitely offer a night to remember. Some of the pueblos you might want to visit include Poblado, Envigado (hometown of Pablo Escobar) and Sabaneta. These offer great little outside bars where everyone gathers to drink the famous Colombian guaro known as Agua Ardiente. Also, the malls are incredible, especially the grandest in the city, Mall Tesoro.

Outside of Medellín there are some really cool places to visit. One of those is the colonial capital of Colombia, Sante Fe de Antioquia. This is a beautiful and historic city with cobblestone streets and rows of pastel colored colonial homes and beautiful churches. It is like taking a step back into the colonial days when the Spanish first colonized the country. Another great place to go is Guatapé, where you will find the mysterious Piedra del Peñol, a massive rock of 200 meters in altitude. Also in this area are the beautiful lakes known as the Represas de Guatapé. This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen and there are loads of activities and sightseeing in the area. There are great hotels too!

No Mas Farc!

Colombia has so much to offer that it is a shame that the
FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) continues to terrorize the country with armed invasions of pueblos and kidnappings (despite the recent release of some high profile hostages at the behest of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez, the FACR is estimated to be holding hostage some 700 persons). The FARC now enjoys very little support in Colombia (really only the narcos want them around to help guard their coca and marijuana fields). Recently there was a world-wide condemnation of the activities of the FARC, which took place in 125 cities around the world. I pray that the FACR would give up the fight for the good of Colombia and all its citizens as well as the people around the world that would like to visit safely and experience the magic of this incredible country.

D Scott Bowers
Costa Rica Zine